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Climate Stories from Around The Globe: Tales from Honduras

Writer's picture: Arielle KouyoumdjianArielle Kouyoumdjian

Meredith Vorndran is a 17 year old from Virginia. This summer, she volunteered to teach English at a women’s leadership center in Honduras. She wrote this essay based off of her observations and interactions with the local community members.

In Honduras, oftentimes escaping poverty and even survival take priority over worries about the environment and social justice issues. As a result, reducing CO2 emissions is typically unimportant, especially since daily life in Honduras includes chores such as burning trash and using gas powered vehicles for transportation. However, many habits in Honduras are much more conserving in order to save resources. This conservation includes hand washing dishes and clothing, composting food, reusing water, not using power in houses, and even walking long distances instead of utilizing gas powered vehicles. Separately, impacts of climate change in Honduras include mass flooding, hurricanes, and other incidents of extreme weather. This extreme weather impacts access to education and healthcare, which contributes to widespread poverty.

Images and article by Meredith Vorndran

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